Our Mission
To provide reliable and trusted regulated waste solutions.
At Ecowaste, we strive to make waste management simple and hassle-free for all of our customers. We understand the impact waste can have on public health and safety. We are dedicated to revolutionize the current waste management process by delivering an excellent customer experience. Our commitment to reliability and trust is reflected in every part of our process We know that handling your waste isn't glamourous but a necessary part of safety and compliance. With Ecowaste Solutions you can focus on what matters while we efficiently manage your waste disposal needs. .
Our Mission
To provide reliable and trusted regulated waste solutions.
At Ecowaste, we strive to make waste management simple and hassle-free for all of our customers. We understand the impact waste can have on public health and safety. We are dedicated to revolutionize the current waste management process by delivering an excellent customer experience. Our commitment to reliability and trust is reflected in every part of our process We know that handling your waste isn't glamourous but a necessary part of safety and compliance. With Ecowaste Solutions you can focus on what matters while we efficiently manage your waste disposal needs.
Our Mission
To provide reliable and trusted regulated waste solutions.
At Ecowaste, we strive to make waste management simple and hassle-free for all of our customers. We understand the impact waste can have on public health and safety. We are dedicated to revolutionize the current waste management process by delivering an excellent customer experience. Our commitment to reliability and trust is reflected in every part of our process We know that handling your waste isn't glamourous but a necessary part of safety and compliance. With Ecowaste Solutions you can focus on what matters while we efficiently manage your waste disposal needs. .
Our Mission
To provide reliable and trusted regulated waste solutions.
At Ecowaste, we strive to make waste management simple and hassle-free for all of our customers. We understand the impact waste can have on public health and safety. We are dedicated to revolutionize the current waste management process by delivering an excellent customer experience. Our commitment to reliability and trust is reflected in every part of our process We know that handling your waste isn't glamourous but a necessary part of safety and compliance. With Ecowaste Solutions you can focus on what matters while we efficiently manage your waste disposal needs.
The Story
How it all began.
One of Ecowaste's partners, Avak Gasparian, founded BioWaste in 2011 to address the lack of satisfactory customer service in existing medical waste management companies. Avak, also known as Avo, saw an opportunity to provide more than just a standard waste disposal service, and thus, BioWaste was born. Starting with just a single cargo van, Avo personally serviced healthcare facilities throughout Southern California while wearing all the hats of an entrepreneur. The rest, as they say, is history.

How it all began.
One of Ecowaste's partners, Avak Gasparian, founded BioWaste in 2011 to address the lack of satisfactory customer service in existing medical waste management companies. Avak, also known as Avo, saw an opportunity to provide more than just a standard waste disposal service, and thus, BioWaste was born. Starting with just a single cargo van, Avo personally serviced healthcare facilities throughout Southern California while wearing all the hats of an entrepreneur. The rest, as they say, is history.

The Story

How it all began.
One of Ecowaste's partners, Avak Gasparian, founded BioWaste in 2011 to address the lack of satisfactory customer service in existing medical waste management companies. Avak, also known as Avo, saw an opportunity to provide more than just a standard waste disposal service, and thus, BioWaste was born. Starting with just a single cargo van, Avo personally serviced healthcare facilities throughout Southern California while wearing all the hats of an entrepreneur. The rest, as they say, is history.
The Results Speak For Themselves.
Combining their individual skills, Avo and Arman successfully operated both BioWaste and EcoWaste. In 2023, they unified the two companies under the single brand of Ecowaste Solutions, solidifying their position as a leading provider of waste management services.

The Results Speak For Themselves.
Combining their individual skills, Avo and Arman successfully operated both BioWaste and EcoWaste. In 2023, they unified the two companies under the single brand of Ecowaste Solutions, solidifying their position as a leading provider of waste management services.

The Results Speak For Themselves.
Combining their individual skills, Avo and Arman successfully operated both BioWaste and EcoWaste. In 2023, they unified the two companies under the single brand of Ecowaste Solutions, solidifying their position as a leading provider of waste management services.

Solutions You May Be Interested In
Biohazardous, Sharps, Pharmaceutical, Trace-Chemo and Pathology waste.
Universal Waste, Document Shredding, On-Site Destruction, and Residential Green Shredding.
Solutions You May Be Interested In
Biohazardous, Pharmaceutical, Trace-Chemo, Pathology waste, and Sharps Disposal.
Universal Waste, Document Shredding, On-Site Destruction, and Residential Green Shredding.
Solutions You May Be Interested In
Biohazardous, Sharps, Pharmaceutical, Trace-Chemo and Pathology waste.
Universal Waste, Document Shredding, On-Site Destruction, and Residential Green Shredding.